Comprehensive mental health treatment programs

We offer individualized therapeutic programs focused on the successful treatment of addictions and psychological problems.

Hear how we change lives at the NEO Center
Treatment procedures
Hear how we change lives at the NEO Center

Above-standard residential care

Our clinic provides an extraordinary stay in a quiet part of Prague. A personal approach and professional care are guaranteed.

Hear how we change lives at the NEO Center
Residential care
Hear how we change lives at the NEO Center

Outpatient care with immediate assistance

Individual therapy, addiction counseling and coaching are just a few of our services that offer effective solutions to psychological problems.

Hear how we change lives at the NEO Center
Outpatient care
Hear how we change lives at the NEO Center

The best mental health care is at the NEO Center

At NEO Center, we provide quality therapeutic care. We offer solutions for the treatment of addictions and psychological problems. Some of our services are covered by health insurance companies.

Who we are

NEO Center, a place for your health

NEO Center is a respected clinic with a family atmosphere that offers help in the field of mental health. The services we offer focus on effective help in the treatment of psychological problems. We believe in an individual approach and discretion.

"The main motivation behind the establishment of NEO Center was to create a dignified and pleasant environment that offers help basically immediately without long waits for the start date. One hundred percent discretion, anonymity, quality therapists, an individual approach and above-standard services are the basic building blocks."

Libor Votruba
Founder of NEO Center

More about us

Our clients talk about their experiences with NEO Centre

Katka struggled with alcoholism for a long time, which brought her to the very bottom. "I drank uncontrollably, my family shunned me, I lost friends and I was a shadow of myself at work," she recalls. Life lost its meaning for her until she came to the NEO Center. "It was not an ordinary treatment, it was a liberating self-discovery," says Katka. Today, after three years, she is happy and grateful for every sober day.


For years, Tamara thought she could handle everything on her own. It was only after hitting rock bottom that she realized she needed help. "Admitting that I was an addict was the first step. Every day I am grateful for the fact that I could be at the NEO Center. Thanks to you, I have started to see my life from a different perspective and I am gradually trying to find a way to recovery."


For a long time, Kristýna considered her states of anxiety and exhaustion to be a normal part of life. "I thought it would pass. Everyone is tired sometimes and can't sleep," she says. She believed that as long as she could function and work, everything was fine. But in reality, she often found herself alone, exhausted, full of hopeless thoughts, waiting for the difficult times to pass. The change came when she discovered NEO Centrum. "Here I found a safe place, honesty, support and kindness," Kristýna describes.


Jirka struggled with alcoholism for years and did not find a solution in the state hospital, where they focused only on his addiction, not on the causes. "They dealt with alcoholism there, not me," he recalls. Skeptical of private facilities, he changed his mind after a friend recommended NEO Center. "It was the best investment of his life, so I went there," says Jirka. In the NEO Center, he found support and space to work on himself. Today, Jirka is satisfied: "The combination of NEO, neo-humans and working on each other really works. It was the best investment of my life for me too."


For a long time, Michal was drowning in endless parties and parties, where cocaine played a key role. Daily drug use destroyed his personal and professional life. "I kept wondering how I would excuse myself from my daily duties," he recalls. The real change came when he discovered the NEO Center. He spent six months here, which were not easy, but thanks to great therapists, he was able to deal with his problems and start a new life. "I don't have to lie to myself that everything is fine. I can sleep peacefully and look forward to each new day," says Michal, who has been drug-free for almost five years. Thanks to NEO Center.


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