Individual psychotherapy: personal development and problem solving


What individual therapy brings and how it works

Individual psychotherapy offers space for personality change. The client is led to greater self-acceptance, to solving conflicts and other psychological problems. The psychotherapist helps the client to adapt to the new conditions that he encounters in his life (work, family, fulfillment of life). Within the therapeutic sessions, which take place in a confidential atmosphere, they address current topics and challenges that the client faces. Together they look for ways to understand and improve the client's situation. Meeting frequencies are tailored to the client's needs.


What are the benefits of working with our therapists?

Our center has a team of experienced therapists who are trained in various therapeutic areas. Thanks to this, we are able to offer therapy tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each client. The first step is to undergo an initial consultation, during which you and the therapist will set the conditions for your work. At the NEO Center, we emphasize the creation of a safe working alliance between client and therapist, which is key to a successful therapeutic process.

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