Couple therapy: Together we will overcome obstacles in your relationship


Why couples therapy is important for your relationship

Couples therapy is intended for couples regardless of age, gender or relationship form. Each pair is unique and goes through its own development. If a couple encounters an obstacle that they cannot overcome on their own, it is advisable to seek professional help. At NEO Center, we provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can talk openly about your concerns and wishes. The main goal is to help you name problems and find ways to solve them. The participation of both partners is a condition for couple therapy, but we also offer individual therapy for those who do not feel ready for joint therapy yet.


How couples therapy works and what are its benefits

At the NEO Center, we offer the option of working with a couple of therapists (woman and man), which brings a greater gender balance to the therapy, or with one therapist. Sessions last 80 minutes and can be purchased individually or in packages with a more favorable price. Therapy will help you understand the dynamics of your relationship, identify key issues and work to resolve them. The goal is not only to improve communication between partners, but also to strengthen the mutual bond and find a way to a more harmonious coexistence. However, the goal of couple therapy can also be to process the breakup in such a way that it causes as little damage as possible and the arrangement between the former partners remains calm and cooperative.

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