About us


The main motivation at the time of founding

When establishing NEO Center, the aim was to create a dignified and pleasant environment that would offer help in solving not only addiction-related but also other psychological problems without waiting for a long time for an appointment. Discretion, anonymity, a family atmosphere, high quality services and mutual respect are the basic building blocks of NEO Center. The founder of NEO Center, Libor Votruba, had the desire and determination to create a place in Prague that he lacked in his personal experience in the fight against addiction in the Czech Republic.

Our values and approach

At NEO Center, we believe that the key to successful treatment is an individual approach and a deep understanding of our clients' needs. The methods we use are a combination of proven therapeutic approaches. We support not only mental, but also physical health, with mutual trust between client and therapist playing a key role, which supports the family environment we have built. The combination of expertise and empathetic approach of our team guides clients to return to their full lives.

Innovation and development in the field of treatment

Continuous development and innovation are a priority for NEO Centrum. We follow the latest research and methodologies in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy in order to offer our clients the most effective and advanced treatment procedures. Our drive to innovate and improve services is motivated by the desire to provide clients with the best possible care and support on their journey to recovery.

News, Blog and press releases

NEO Center: Your path to successful treatment

Our facility provides quality therapeutic services with the aim of offering each client the fastest possible start of outpatient or residential treatment. During treatment, we approach each client individually and with the highest possible care. Our team of therapists is ready to support you every step of the way on your journey to health.

Our team

Services we offer

Our center offers two possible ways to start treatment. The outpatient clinic is located in a modern environment in the center of Prague and provides the possibility of personal and online therapy. For those looking for a more intensive form of treatment, they can use the residential clinic, which is located in a quiet part on the outskirts of Prague. All our services are designed so that the healing process takes place in a friendly and family environment.

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