MUDr. Simona Lewandowská


Simona Lewandowská is an experienced psychiatrist, a graduate of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague. She focused her postgraduate studies on the field of personality development and individual psychotherapy at the same university. But she wanted to continue her development further and without borders, so she moved her studies beyond the borders of the Czech Republic, specifically to Vienna, where she graduated from a senior management course.

She is a certified "brain-based coach" (BBC) according to the Neuroleadership school, Dr. David Rock. She considers understanding and compassion with empathy to be her strengths. She shares her joy with clients and rejoices together with them in the rediscovered strength and relief that her professional care and guidance brings. She approaches her work in the spirit of her favorite motto

" Addictions are attempts to escape pain ".

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