Mgr., MgA. Markéta Miláčková Čermáková

Director of outpatient clinic, Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Markéta Miláčková Čermáková is a very versatile woman. After graduating from the prestigious mathematics grammar school, she studied drama directing at the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno and then psychology and special pedagogy at Charles University. She began her work in the field of addictionology during her studies as a lecturer in primary prevention programs, later worked in a therapeutic community for the treatment of addictions, later in an outpatient clinic, a substitution program and a program for families.

She constantly expands her education and draws not only from many years of self-experienced training in gestalt therapy, but also from annual courses in family counseling, crisis intervention and other educational events (e.g. music therapy, program for improving children's attention KUPOZ, program for developing coping strategies of young children Zipy and Jablík friends) and professional conferences. So far, the last one completed was an accredited hypnotherapy course, which thrilled Markéta. She is also a full member of the Czech Association for Psychotherapy (ČAP).

She has been engaged in psychotherapy for more than 15 years, a large part of this time she worked in various addiction treatment facilities, another significant part she worked as a school psychologist, in private practice she worked with a wide range of therapeutic issues. She has many years of experience in group and individual therapy for adults, adolescents and children. For many years, she also devoted herself to adult education, is the author and co-author of several articles, including brochures for adults with ADHD/ADD on Nepozronídospelí.cz .

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