Mgr. Zuzana Jandová

Addictologist, Therapist

Zuzka Jandová obtained a bachelor's and then a master's degree at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in the field of addiction. She is currently completing a five-year self-experiential training in integrative psychotherapy at the Skálov Institute.

She began her therapeutic practice with a 3-year stay at the psychiatric hospital in Havlíčková Brod in the department for detoxification and short-term treatment (6-week educational and motivational treatment). The main focus of her work here was leading therapeutic groups and other group activities such as relapse prevention and guided relaxation.

Addictology has a tradition in her family, thanks to which Zuzka has been familiar with working with addicts since childhood. She grew up in the premises of a therapeutic community for addicts, where she was already actively involved in hippotherapy as part of community programs during her teenage years.

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