Authentic posts and thoughts from our clients who have gone through the treatment program at the clinics. We have transcribed their words with permission. Pictures and original drawings cannot be overwritten. We value each and every one of the contributions and appreciate the honesty and opportunity to share on the part of our clients.

Perhaps these texts can be motivation just for you.

Some clients stayed with us for two weeks, others for six weeks, someone composed a poem, another wrote a short greeting and thank you, another shared an entire page of personal text with us. And we can share these stories with you.



Thank you for the opportunity to be here! Thank you for the opportunity to express my emotions and express what I feel and how I feel. It's been an intense 14 days and thanks for them!



Thanks to all psychotherapists for the care you provide here. You have helped me to understand myself more and to understand other human beings. Thanks also to all the other Neo staff. I am glad that I could spend 4 weeks here.



The Neo is a safe ship, but it rocks in port. But feel free to come to the city, we will always be with you. Deviant or addict, what have you been through? Flying free like a bird, Nice future ahead of us. Children, parents, spouses, the Shadows are fucked!

This informative poem at level 3.B. expresses my relationship to Neu. I have never experienced such a combination, understanding, belonging, tolerance. Even though we each have a different Story, we have one thing in common - the fight against invisible evil. We know we won't be light or fast. Great therapists from Neo help us with this, thanks for their work.

Friends friends. Hang in there, we're with you.



When I came to Nea, I could not imagine that I would spend 4 weeks here. Today, when I leave, I feel like I could be here longer. I am grateful that I could be here. I met great therapists, met amazing people and found out that you can have a good time without alcohol. I have learned to perceive my feelings and emotions, I am grateful that I have, I have learned the power of regular sleep and eating. I was able to open up, dig into myself and talk openly about unpleasant experiences and my life. I wish everyone else who will be in Neo to feel as comfortable here as I did and to start on the right path in life. I thank Hanička for the care and ability to listen and for the delicious cuisine.



Thanks for the opportunity, even here. It helped me a lot and I enjoy life again. I have a big and long way ahead of me, which I believe I can manage thanks to NEU. Thank you



Thank you all for helping me find the path to myself that I am embarking on tomorrow. It will be a great adventure! I'm an alcoholic who doesn't drink today 😊



To all the Neo team, I am leaving today, after 4 weeks in Neo, not as from a rehab center, but as from the place where I have received one of the biggest gifts in recent years. I am packing with me all the learnings and insights from the therapy. The experience of meeting some amazing people and the luxury of having the time to sit with myself and look into myself, as the person I really am. Thank you a million times!!!



My dear NEO! I was sure that I knew what I was going to write, but like when writing my emotions, I was at a loss for words. So I guess one big Thank You for finally learning to love and value myself. I could go on and on here, but I could just stick that to the homework "What the treatment gave me". I'm taking Tie home and I'll always have them with me, and I'll keep reading them over and over, so I don't forget what I've taught you. Because I will need it, because by leaving NEA, my, our, your journey is just beginning. I'm curious, I'm afraid, I have respect for the Niesom team, I'm sure how it will be, but I'm sure that I'm more confident and prepared. I don't even know if what I'm writing makes sense, because I have so much going on in my head and it's coming out of me like a fluffy blanket. I thank Libor, the therapists for the strength from which I leave. And to the entire NEA staff. Last but not least, and in an important place, to the people I met here. I will forever thank God that I met them. Let's all keep our fingers crossed. With love



I came empty, and I leave half full. Thank you for taking wonderful care of my soul. thank you all



Hello addicts, I wish everyone to find the same strength, understanding and new outlook on life as I have here. Thanks to the whole team + Libor V. for the best 28 days of my life.



Many thanks to Libor and the whole team of therapists, namely Jiří, Pavlo, Tereza, Mike, Adam and Petra, for allowing me to get myself together, find out a lot about myself and start a new phase of my life. I believe and know that thanks to you I will again live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. That I will spend it sober and mindful with my family. I thank my friends Lucia, Pavlo, Peter, whom I met here. We have become a great group and you have helped a lot. I wish we could still find time for each other and keep in touch. I like you. Thank you to our housekeeper Natálka for how well she took care of us and for the excellent strudel. Jonathan, thank you very much for the Vipassana lessons. Special thanks go to Dr. Štarh. You were the first person I met after joining here, and you were a huge support and gave me strength the whole time. Thank you NEO



Dear Neo, Thank you very much for everything. Yesterday I said goodbye to our wonderful group. Today I would like to thank all the therapists for their perfect work. Each of you has been a great asset to me. A big fight awaits me outside, but I believe that thanks to all the people I have met here in four weeks, I am well prepared. Now it's just up to me how I deal with it all.



Hope to see you again. Ideally without relapse! You were divine, all of you. You saved me and my family. Thank you



Thank you for the light and hope. I believe it will never stop shining. I love you.



Dear all, Thank you for all the support and help! I met great people here (except Chris and Tomas) good luck. Best to you... Love Frank.



I thank all the therapists from the bottom of my heart for their humanity, friendship and professionalism. I thank Mr. Libor, Jirko, Pavlo, Denis, Mike, Martin. I thank Mrs. Katka, Míša, Martinec, Petra, both Markétka and Natálka. I'm coming home and I'll miss you. I'm coming home and I'm looking forward to it. Thanks to the stay and treatment at NEU, I am ready for a new life.



When I drove here with great fear, I never even thought that I would leave, so filled with positivity. Now that I'm leaving, I'm extremely glad that I was here and I feel like I'm going to use everything I've packed into myself here. Thank you Neo!!!



I thank the therapists and all my comrades for their patience and efforts to help me. I learned and understood a lot of things about myself here, broke the barriers of long-established defenses and wrinkles, and also polished the edges of some ideas and illusions. I wish all who have passed through Neem and those who will enter here to carry light and sobriety to light it up every day.



I thank all the therapists and the entire collective for their cordiality, understanding, kind attitude and help. The four weeks spent in Neo were a wonderful opportunity for me to stop, understand where I came from and find out where I want to go. I take away unforgettable memories and, I believe, long-lasting friendships. I believe that a new stage of my life has begun here. Thank you very much!!



Many thanks to all of Neu for the defibrillation to a new direction in life. PS "the best day of my life"



Thank you to all the therapists and the whole group for an absolutely unimaginable two weeks. They were intense, positive, shocking and challenging. A lot of courage and luck to everyone who decided to follow the same path in their next life.


(January 29, 2022)

I thank the therapists for their professional and at the same time friendly approach. You have become dear to my heart. I believe that Neo is a great start to a new and sober life. Money well invested 😊. I will remember everyone here only in good terms. And I hope to return to the gym in some time, or relapse. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you all. Thanks to Jirko Martinec+ Tamarek Markétek+ Samík Mirce+Martinec Pavlík and his harmonized style Pavlínec and her shamanic drums


(January 28, 2022)

Thank you for your kind treatment and efficient help. I spent the period 4.1.-28.1.2022 with you



Dear Neo, I had a great time here, I felt at home. Crack composition of people and therapists. A big change in the head, a big self-reflection. I leave motivated after 4 weeks for a new life. Thank you for everything! I have my fingers crossed for everyone who admitted their addiction and decided to work with themselves. Hello to everybody

Dominik Turza


It saved my life and set it in the right direction



Dear Neo (bows) thank you. I am also not a writer or a "good speaker". I would like to thank you very much for keeping me here despite all my comments/negations. Although I am a doctor, thanks to you and the other clients, I actually understood it and I hope it will last. Abstinence is, very "simple" (not very, but it is) being sober, being myself and seeing things the way they are is damn hard, but somehow you managed to do it with me. Now I feel like the pilot of my life. Again like the old Bara.



Dear Neo, thank you for the dignified opportunity to begin to understand yourself. Environment, atmosphere, professionalism. It's thanks to you therapists. I was given the opportunity to start working on myself. I know that it will be a difficult fight, but I am generally calm because I know that I can turn to you with confidence at any time. I will look forward to seeing you all.



I would especially like to thank everyone here at the clinic for the great attitude, care and understanding I received here. I have to say that I felt really great here, big thanks to the whole team. I came at the last minute, I think I was already over the edge and I'm leaving in a much better mood, thanks to everyone who took care of me I was able to get off the bandwagon and I feel that I can use the chance I got here and the rest I will live out my life as I am now, sober and useful to everyone around me.



On 29.11. In 2021, I joined the Neo clinic, where my wish began to come true. The wish was: stop drinking! Amazing professional approach, sensitivity and understanding from the therapists. I feel at home here! thank you all



My dear Neo I'm not a great writer, so I apologize in advance. I came like an old shack that was blown up by a truck" as the doctor called me. I leave as a new person. NEO is not only a path to yourself, but also a path to freedom and happiness. I know I still have a long way to go. Thank you very much for everything



After several attempts to abstain, to lead a sober life and to undergo treatment, I always returned to my old friends and my life went to ruin, I came to the Neo center on the recommendation of my friend for a four-week inpatient stay at this clinic, which I extended by another week, because I had not yet processed in my head all the topics that led me to alcoholism. I think it was the best investment of my life. Under the expert care of a professional team of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and the entire staff, I am ready to take responsibility for my life into my own hands. I'm leaving tomorrow, I have mixed feelings - anticipation, fear, respect, concern, hope, determination, the realization that I'm at the beginning of a long journey, but never in my 20 years of "alcoholic career" have I felt that I'm so ready to lead a successful war with demons - alcohol. I gained that humility, new friends, which was inspiring for me, and I took something for myself from each of them. I hope that, if necessary, I will return here abstinent for salt treatment and not after a relapse. Thank you very much and I wish you success in your worthy work from the bottom of my heart.

I advise


Joining the NEO Center was the best decision in my life. I thank all the members of the NEO Center for their patience, willingness and professional approach.

Jiří Styblo


I was satisfied, the treatment fulfilled its purpose. Thank you.



Personal approach and complete professionalism of the entire team! The nice surroundings and the rooms are just the icing on the cake.



Dear Neo Thank you for providing a safe environment, care and valuable advice. Thank you for the space for thinking and self-reflection. I leave with a difficult fate - to be in control of myself

Martin Malý


A novel of several pages could be written about the treatment at the NEO Center. But who would read it here. So in short… My stay here most likely saved my life. Here they will show you the way to sobriety and a new life. It offers a very intense therapeutic experience. But it is up to us how we deal with it and how we approach our treatment. If you want to use a helping hand, NEO Centrum is exactly the right place. A sober alcoholic

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