Enabling Trust in Our Services

We treat addictions and various kinds of problems. If you’ve made it here to the point of reading on this topic, you’re on the right track. You may not even be sure how to name your problem. That’s okay, too. We divide our job into three basic areas, which don’t always need to fall into strictly defined categories. We don’t label you for purposes of your recovery, but we can help you to name and address the important elements of your inner world.

Treatment for Addictions

Addiction to Alcohol

Alcohol is a normal part of our society, but it is also an addictive substance that can give rise to dependency and strong addiction..

Addiction to Illicit Drugs

The use of addictive substances has been with mankind since time immemorial. Drugs, however, have the ability to change the way we perceive...

Addiction to Medications

Problems with using medically prescribed tranquilizers and other medications are becoming more and more commonplace...


Workaholism occurs when work becomes the major theme in one’s life at the expense of other more or equally important things...

Addiction to Gambling

Gambling and games of chance– in some cases, these are part of our lives and a way to spend free time...
Gaming Neo Centrum

Addiction to Gaming

This addiction usually starts out as harmless entertainment but gets out of control over time...
Shopping NEO Centrum

Other Addictions: shopping, internet, food, telephone, sex

Today the medical community understands that there are suffers of many other non-substance addictions...

Assistance for Friends and Family Members

Addiction is challenging not only for the person concerned, but also for their loved ones, family members and friends...

Anxiety, depression and phobias


Anxiety is one of the most common psychological difficulties that significantly affects a sufferer’s quality of life...

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Everyone has some rituals that they observe without being aware of. That said, fears are forcing a person to repeat such rituals to the point of detriment, there is a problem...


Phobias constitute one of the most common anxiety disorders. The condition may be described as a persistent and objectively exaggerated fear of particular objects or situations...


Depression is one of the most commonly occurring psychological problems in the populace at large...

Crisis and relationships

Existential Crisis

Crises comprise an unavoidable and integral part of the human condition. But coping with a crisis often pushes the limits of human strength...

Burn-out Syndrome

Professional burnout is a state of emotional and physical discomfort closely related to employment and chronic stress...

Divorce and separation

Each of us is different, but we all need personal bonds and relationships. One develops all sorts of social ties during one's life...

Treatment Options

NEO Centrum offers its clients two avenues for obtaining help: through our Outpatient Clinic (including in-person or online sessions) and through our comprehensive, in-residence treatment programs offered at our resident treatment facilities. The choice depends on the specific needs of the clients, the type of difficulties they face and the intensity of the approach they are able to devote themselves to. We offer services at residence clinics for Czech-speaking and English-speaking clients.

Residence clinics

Modern, high-standard and all inclusive environment located in a remote part of Prague, and designed for a small group of clients.

Outpatient care

The NEO Centrum outpatient clinic offers you immediate help with your problems through individual, group, couple and family therapy, counselling and coaching.